SNOW! Somehow Sophie Doodle knows when it has snowed. Her momma is forever being summoned to the back door to let her out. Sophie plows the snow with her snout. She runs willy-nilly in her fenced in back yard. She is not happy when confined to the mudroom while she dries out! Such is the life of a Bernedoodle when it has snowed in central Illinois. Just the right amount of snow, (Sorry. I just had to let Sophie back in the house!) enough to cover the ground but not enough to create a problem driving. These are pictures of a very shaggy Sophie Doodle. She picked up a variant of Kennel Cough (she was vaccinated) at the Vet's over Thanksgiving. She missed her December grooming appointment because she was under quarantine. She missed January's appointment because of an ice storm. She's finally back on track and looking much better! Sophie's humans have managed to keep busy. While her dad seems to have never ending erra...